Creative storytelling
for organizations
building a smarter,
healthier world.
Creative storytelling for organizations building a smarter, healthier world.
We help you make meaningful change in science & sustainability using smart communication.
Who we are
Why that matters
We can package complex information in ways that engage people from other walks of life. People that may not speak the same technical language but can benefit from the ideas. It’s our MO to move between science and story with ease.
Our Story
Before humans went digital, there was the caravan.
At Caravan Lab we spread knowledge. It takes an understanding of technical communication, storytelling, media production and digital design. Our team brings it all to the table. Together we craft digital stories that help our world run a little smarter.

Marita Davison & Jennifer Moslemi started Caravan Lab over 10 years ago in Seattle, WA. While graduate students in biology at Cornell University, they saw firsthand how the world needs experts to improve the way they communicate to the public. It was there they formed a core belief that underpins Caravan’s work: despite all the brainpower and money we put into understanding our world and how we can live better on it, real progress will be limited by our ability to reach people.
They set out to create an organization that helped experts and practitioners turn their messages into story gold using a variety of media formats – stories and that can move audiences and create smarter, more sustainable communities.

Marita Davison, M.Sc.
Marita has worked both in front and behind the camera, producing stories ranging from sustainable cattle ranching in the Chihuahuan Desert to coral bleaching on the great barrier reef. She is media-nimble, working with a variety of media types to match the right story to the right audience.

Jennifer Moslemi, Ph.D
Jen doesn’t take being a nerd lightly and loves taking an evidence-based approach to media production. She’ll say it’s her mission to help other nerds be better storytellers, no matter the medium.
Ready to talk? Send us a message.
Or give us a call. 206.456.4022