We’re Caravan Lab

for science and

We’re Caravan Lab

for science &

Caravan Lab is a women and minority-owned communications firm focused on the sectors of science and sustainability. We help you unleash the power of a story well-told to build trust, gain credibility, and get stuff done.


We strategize, concept, and create in diverse formats including video, web, brand design, XR, and more.

An interactive film on corals that puts a novel spin on the traditional documentary, reaching new audiences in the process.

Strategy, Film Production, Web Design, Fundraising

A short documentary that explores how four groups of people – anglers, indigenous tribes, farmers and scientists – can move beyond mistrust to work together for salmon recovery in the Pacific Northwest.

Film Production, Strategy

A multimedia website to foster collaboration and develop a shared vision for natural resource management Western Washington.

Web Design & Development, Film Production

Engaging the public in science and stewardship through mobile and web applications.

Strategy, Mobile Technology, Web Design, Film Production, Branding & Identity

About Us

Before humans went digital,
there was the caravan.
It was how stories were
shared and progress was made.

Before humans went digital, there was the caravan. It was how stories were shared and progress was made.

We view ourselves as a modern day incarnation of the caravan. In our version, we use strategic communication to move ideas, knowledge, and new ways of thinking from one group of people to another.

Recent awards

We’re not in this for the awards
but we have to admit
it’s really nice to be recognized
for your work.

Our Core Services

We know that progress in science and sustainability underpins the future of life as we know it (to put it lightly). And that progress depends on support from people, who have a thousand other things to think about on a given day. Our core services are designed around finding and engaging the right audience with the right approach.

Communications Strategy

  • Roadmapping
  • Messaging
  • Audience research
  • Content Strategy
  • Communication plans

Branding & Identity

  • Visual identity
  • Logo design
  • Style guides
  • Graphic design
  • Data visualization
  • Infographics

Video Production

  • Educational videos
  • Social media content
  • Short-form documen­taries
  • Broadcast television
  • Interactive films
  • Motion graphics
  • Animations

Web & Mobile

  • Organizational websites
  • Campaign websites
  • Interactive experiences
  • Citizen science platforms
  • Mobile apps
  • Multimedia integration
  • Site maintenance
  • Usability testing


  • Event workshops
  • In-house trainings
  • Hands-on video production workshops
Who we work with
You work to push frontiers of knowledge. We work to give you a compelling voice.

We team up with organizations who are making our world run smarter. And we devote ourselves to helping them succeed. Because ultimately, our goals are the same.

Our clients

We’ve been honored to work with these and other partners in the public, non-profit and private sectors. And we’re proud of the fact that most of our growth has been through referrals.

The Latest

Caravan Lab awarded a statewide contract for Washington & Oregon.

If you’re an eligible public sector organization in WA or OR, it’s now easier, faster, and more cost efficient to get started working with us.

Ready to talk? Send us a message.

Or give us a call. 206.456.4022