When it comes to to science and sustainability, we must move people in order to move the needle. That’s where we come in.
We love the technical stuff. The topics that seem too nerdy to be of interest to anyone but the topical experts. We understand why it matters that other people get it. Our owners are card-carrying nerds themselves who will delight in the challenge of getting your story out.
So if you want a deeper relationship with your audience, if you feel you’re getting lost in translation, or if the trust or support is not where you want it to be, let’s change that.
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Communications Strategy
This is where the magic happens. Without a well-conceived strategy you’re likely to leave the good stuff on the table. We know the science and sustainability space – which means you don’t have to educate us on why you’re doing what you do. We start by listening, then find the golden nuggets you’re missing, shine them up and put them in the right package to reach your audience.
- Roadmapping
- Messaging
- Audience research
- Content strategy
- Communication plans
A series of citizen science platforms for the National Audubon Society that engages people in science while compiling a valuable database on hummingbirds.
Messaging that builds empathy and a shared sense of purpose across groups with a history of mistrust in order to improve river floodplain management.
Engaging people beyond the choir by piquing their curiosity with an unexpected and immersive experience on corals.
Branding & Identity
Be a signal that stands out from the noise.
We get that it can be annoying. We all have to think about our brand now and not just put our noses down to do the work. But it’s hard to get noticed in our attention-deficit world without putting some creative juice into your brand. Our job is to work hard to make your brand compelling, with minimal pain and maximum enjoyment in the process.
- Visual identity
- Logo design
- Style guides
- Graphic design
- Data visualization
- Infographics
Reducing the intimidation factor of depave projects through visual design that is clean, clear and empowering.

Modernized branding and website designed for both newcomers and regular users of SWC’s online resources for watershed managment.

Visual assets to generate interest in off-the-beaten-path birding destinations, creating new nature-friendly economies good for both birds and people.
Video Production
Video is a powerful tool for creating this thing we need now called “content”. But good video can be expensive and content can be easily forgotten. We draw on our deep experience to create video content tailor-made for your audience. Your audience may be large, or just a handful of people you absolutely much reach. Maybe you need high production value with gorgeous visuals to hit the mark. Or maybe good-enough smartphone footage will do. We work with you identify the right approach and produce video accordingly. And we’re always looking for ways squeeze the biggest bang out of limited resources.
- Educational videos
- Social media content
- Short-form documentaries
- Broadcast television
- Interactive films
- Motion graphics
- Animations
With Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, we produced a short film showing how a relatively small river can have a big impact on the lives of people from different walks of life.
The African Conservation Development Group asked us to help raise awareness of their large scale Grande Mayumba project in Gabon, focused on creating climate-conscious economic opportunities.
We produced an animated video for the Administration for Children and Families that explains the concept and importance of “co-regulation” for educators that work with young people.
Web & Mobile
It’s hard to tell a compelling story about your work if your website looks like it was built on Dreamweaver in the 90’s. We can create an online presence that gets noticed and is clearly understood. Our process involves finding the best of what you have and putting it on show. And if you don’t have the right visual media for your site without using sterile stock imagery, we can create it for you. Then we pay attention to the details so you don’t have to. We can get innovative with how we use interactivity, or we can lean on tried-and-true best practices. The whole process will likely be revelatory and we’ll have fun while we do it.
- Organizational websites
- Campaign websites
- Interactive experiences
- Citizen science platforms
- Mobile apps
- Multimedia integration
- Site maintenance
- Usability testing
With support from the National Science Foundation, we built an interactive experience where viewers joined scientists making discoveries on Lake Tanganyika in East Africa.

To introduce young kids to the principles of evolution, we created an app, website and videos with colorful animations that tell the true story of rapidly evolving guppies.
This one is big for us. We’re heavily invested in helping our partners level up their communication skills. We believe in what they are working towards, and that their success is in our collective best interest. Whether you want an in-house training for a specific communication problem at your organization or to convene a communication workshop for your event, we can help. We’ve held workshops across the US and in several countries, and can go virtual when that is the best option.
- Event workshops
- In-house trainings
- Virtual trainings
- Hands-on video production workshops

We led workshops for IF/THEN’s Ambassadors program, helping 100+ badass women in STEM fields improve their communication skills.

We led virtual communications workshops for young leaders nominated for UCLA’s Pritzker Emerging Environmental Genius Award.

We conducted workshops with graduate students at Cornell University to improve research communication skills and highlight careers in science communication.